Remember that there is a non-zero chance that most of the atoms in the earth will have collectively agreed to stop existing at exactly 1:57 am tonight, causing every single living creature that doesnt cease as well to die instantly from being flung at an incredibly velocity deep into the area where the earth once was due to the massive vacuum its disappearance caused, allowing the moon to just continue off in the direction it was heading and either crash into the sun or orbit it and take earth’s place meaning the moon people no longer have to live in fear of the apes of earth and are free to leave their dusty confines and take over the entire solar system and eventually all nearby star systems, trapping sun after sun in a giant Dyson sphere which will harness all of the energy the stars release while making sure not a single ray of light touches any planet outside of it, slowly plunging the entire galaxy into darkness until GOD HIMSELF INTERVENES AND HITS THE RESET BUTTON ON THIS SHITTY UNIVERSE SO HE CAN FINALLY RECREATE IT WITHOUT THOSE FECKING HUMANS