**Generally Accepted Smoking Protocol (GASP)**

1. Puff, Puff, Pass – One of the most age-old of stoner adages, but still true. Two puffs on a joint, then pass that shit.
2. Pass to the Left – Pass the joint/blunt/bowl etc. to the left hand side (This is reversed in times of war)
3. Roller’s Rights – The person who rolls the joint (or packs the bowl/bong etc) gets to take or designate first hit.
4. Corner the Bowl – When applying flame to a bowl, only let the flame touch a corner, leave fresh green for others.
5. No Wet Lip – Do not slobber like a bloodhound all over the blunt or joint. That’s just gross.
6. He Who Cashes Repacks – The person who takes the final hit from a bowl/bong is responsible for repacking it.
7. Cash or Kind – Don’t show up empty-handed. Either volunteer cash or offer to match some weed of your own.
8. No Cutting – If a rotation is going, slip in to the right of the person passing (so you wait a full rotation). No cutting!
9. Know Your Limits – It’s better to bow out graciously than be known as the guy who couldn’t handle his weed.
10. No Babysitting – If you’re talking, you’re not smoking, and should pass the joint. Don’t babysit it.