Average human breathes about 15 times per minute, that’s about 559,764,000 breaths during whole life (71 years). Each breath’s volume is aprox. 0.5 I, making it 279,882,000 liters during your lifespan. Air’s density is 0.0012 kg/I, that means 335,858 kg. As you might know the majority of dust is made of dead human cells, 70% to be precise. About half of it is from men, so 35%. Air is 0.1% dust, meaning 0.035% man-dust. Out of 335,858 kg 0.035% is 117 kg. A penis makes about 0.25% of man’s mass, 0.0025*117 is 0.3159 kg. Average penis (balls included) weights 207g. THAT MEANS THAT DURING YOUR LIFE YOU BREATHE IN ONE AND A HALF DICK AND THAT’S GAY.