Nope, your so called “opinion” is wrong on so many levels, dimensions and universes. The fact that you somehow came to the conclusion that thighs are somehow superior to boobs makes me question the human race in general. Your thigh fetish is equally as god-awful as having a feet fetish, simple as that. I swear, you need to go to a therapist to get your mental disorder fixed. Then maybe you’ll actually see how amazingly superior breasts are compared to fucking legs. In fact, I bet your mother must be heavily disappointed in you. Hell, I would’ve said your parents but I bet your father left you because he somehow knew you’d be a total fucking fuck up. In fact, how about you just shut up permanently because all you can do with that disgusting, broken record of a mouth is use it to endlessly talk about the most inferior fetish in the world. Note how I said “fetish” because no normal human being would find legs attractive. Boobs don’t need to be considered a fetish because mankind already knows how fucking awesome and sexy they are. You continue to talk about thighs like they’re the second coming of Christ, but we all know you only like them just so you can seem unique and superior to everybody else, when really, you’re just a clown unable to face the truth of the world so you try to hide from this truth by making up a disgusting, cringeworthy lie simply to piss everyone off. But it isn’t too late. You can still change your mind. You may not need to see a therapist afterall. Maybe you’ve been lied to by the media or even brainwashed by a cult. Maybe there’s hope in that despair-induced, degenerate mind of yours. Just maybe. But until then, continue walking in those clown shoes for all I care. I’m not going to be your life coach or something like that. Instead, I will just leave you. Leave you with a life-changing choice that’ll determine your direction in life.