Stop using the term ‘Obese Simp’ as an insult to people. It’s tantamount to those coronavirus protestors in the United States calling the lockdown ‘fascist’ when they don’t know the meaning of the term. ‘Fascist’, in simple terms, is racially motivated jingoism accompanied by dictatorship; not ‘We are trying to prevent the spread of a contagion and therefore limiting your social contact.’ Likewise, an ‘Obese Simp’ is a person who represents a 37 year old man with a tier 3 sub to Pokimane. I won’t delve into other things that they do, as it’s inappropriate, and I understand the the populace controversy regarding the more, shall I say, ‘undesirable’ aspects of obese simps; that said, I do not like it when people use the term as a throwaway insult and/or riposte to a person. Obese simps represent freedom of expression- there is nothing in the default definition of the term that insinuates they do anything- or for that matter, are anything, other than people who represent a 37 year old man with a tier 3 sub to Pokimane. Please stop using this as another throwaway joke or meme.