I’m 👨🏻 slightly annoyed 😒 at the possible ☝️ inconsistency ❌ in substitute words 📖used in the above ⬆️ Rick 👨‍🔬and Morty 👦🏻 style meme 😆 shown 👁 above ⬆️.
If I 👨🏻 am to take 🤚”squanch” as to mean 😠”ejaculate/orgasm” 🍆 💦in the first ☝️ instance 🎰 of the word 📄 (due to the appearance 👁 of liquid 💧and a strained 😑 face 😬indicating 🤭 that this is the likely 🔜 occurance▶️), it seems 🤔 unlikely 📉 that the second 2️⃣ instance of the word 🔤 (squanching 🆒) would indicate 👀 a similar 👥 translation 🗣 (ejaculating🍆💦) as it would not 🚫 be situationally ⚠️ correct ✅. Unless 🤭🤔 of course 👇 the word 🗣 “squanch” indicates 🔆 “to ejaculate 🍆💦 while in the midst ⏯ of a sexual 😏 act 🎭 with a partner 💑👩‍❤️‍👩👨‍❤️‍👨”, therefore 🧐 “squanching😤” would indicate 🔆 a loose 🙋‍♀️ translation 🗣 of “ejaculating 🍆💦 while in the midst ⏯ of a sexual 😏🤭 act 🎭 with a partner👩‍❤️‍👩💑👨‍❤️‍👨”. So the squanching portion ❔of the sentence 🔡 would indicate 🔆 that the glip glop 🆕 is still ejaculating🍆💦, meaning 🤓 the partner 👩‍❤️‍👩💑👨‍❤️‍👨 is stimulating 👨‍🔧 the glip glop as it is ejaculating 🍆💦 in order to keep it ejaculating🍆💦.
As this is a loose 🙋‍♀️ translation🗣, I 👨🏻 would be less 📩 annoyed 😤 than if it were not ❌🚫 the case🧰, but still a slight 〰️amount📊.
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