I’m fuckin ANGRY! I don’t wanna have a dick anymore!!

I’m okay with being a dude. I’m okay with that identification. I just am so tired of how inconvenient genitals are in general. Vaginas probably suck too from what I’ve heard. But from my own experience, FUCK THE PENIS.
I hate boners because they happen for no fucking reason. Suddenly my body just decides the blood needs to go to my fuckin cock and balls and it’s annoying as shit! It’s bothersome! It’s uncomfortable! I’m not even horny half the time!
I don’t have a huge dick, it’s maybe a little above average. Do you realize, the biggest dick on the planet is 13.5 fucking inches?! And my fuckin average donger still fuckin annoys me?!
How do we as humans just allow this complete inconvenience to occur. What’s even the point of genitals? I want a pee hole and that’s it, nothing else. No hormone glands, no dick and balls, no pussy. Just a pee hole.