When I was around two or three years old, I was around a friend of my mother’s house, and Thomas the Tank Engine was playing on the TV. The episode was Percy and the Scarf, which is where Percy is given a scarf by some children, and he goes to great lengths to keep the scarf clean. By the end of the episode he, and by extension the scarf, get covered in strawberry jam. My two-year old mind thought it was blood, and I got very scared and grabbed the television. Now, this was no flatscreen, this was in the days of bulky glass screen CRT TVs, so when I grabbed the TV I pulled it onto my head. I had to be in hospital for a good few weeks after that, and I was lucky not to have broken my skull. As a result, Thomas the Tank Engine the TV show became incredibly traumatic to me, with repeated nightmares and having to turn away if I saw a snippet of it in public, this persisted until my mid-teens when I watched Thomas the Tank Engine YouTube poops which lessened the fear greatly. I think this video has put some of the fear back. This does not need to exist