All for talking about my participation in nofap. A lot of you are skeptical and deny the benefits of nofap but ignorance is bliss. I’m not trying to talk down to anyone it’s just that most of you CASUALLY jack of to porn and think nofap is bullshit. Me and one of my friends would jack off to porn damn near everyday. He started earlier than me so he started jacking off everyday from the age of 12-17 to porn. I started at 15 and started my reboot on New Year’s Eve. There are some psychological effects to the addiction but I guess in more time it’ll fade. The superpower thing is the only bullshit part of nofap it’s a bunch of guys that are suddenly starting to be around girls and they think it’s because nofap. I’m just trying to rid myself of my porn induced ED and hopefully in time I’ll be at my normal hard erections. Anyone of you that started on my path don’t. It’s not too late to turn around.