I rewatched this moment in the video and for some reason couldn’t stop laughing. As I’m chuckling to myself, my mother looks at me and smiles. “What’s so funny?” She asks. What a very good question, mother. Perhaps it is the single fact that we are all born to die. The very moment you are convinced on this rocky prison we call “Earth”, it is a death sentence. Maybe it’s the reason why we’ve been killing each other for thousands of years for various barbaric reasons. Our very existence is a virus to this planet. Why should I care if one person dies in Yemen? Hundreds of newly conceived children will replace them. Eventually, we are all forgotten; and we do something that implants us into history forever. If we are born to die and be forgotten, then life is a paradox; a paradox that we will have been forever trapped in and will never escape, no matter how hard we try. Instead of saying this to my mother’s feeble mind, I simply say, “It’s just a meme, Mom. Just a meme.”