Coming ‼️out as the philly pisser💦 (I’m really sorry 🥺😟guys)

I 🙍‍♂️would just like💖 to apologize☹️😇 for pissing🚽 inside of the pit🕳️, I am☝️ 19 and me 🙎‍♂️and vodka🥃 don’t❌❌ mix🔀 very well💔💔💔, and in my fucked😳 up⬆️ state🗺️ of mind🧠 I thought 💭I could just piss💦 on ⬇️the floor and nobody👥👥 would notice.🤨 Clearly not❌💔 the case.💼 I’m very sorry😖 if I ruined 💔the show🎶 🎤for anyone as well. I would 😊also like to say 🗣️💬that I ☹️was not🙅‍♂️ making racist🤬 ableist 👨‍🦽or rape jokes😛 and any‼️ jokes 😭I did make 🧐were from my stand🧍 up set which I 👤have written📝 down⬇️ in my notes.🗒️ I promise 🙏you guys this will not ❌happen again 🫶and I would like ❤️to ask❓ that you🫵 guys at least🙄 do not dox 🌎🤒me or try 😒to ruin ❌🚫my life😡, it was an honest😇 mistake. As far➡️➡️ as the jokes 🗣️about me 😱on Reddit, keep it coming you guys👥 are hilarious.😝😋 Feel free💸 to continue 🔁flaming 🔥🔥me in the comments⌨️💬, I can even😚 keep giving you🫵 guys more pics 📸of me🙋‍♂️ and all that.😩

Also ☝️☝️to the one 👤guy I pissed💧💦 on I am extremely‼️ sorry.😢😓 As a previous recipient of having a drunk😵‍💫🥃🥂 dude piss💦 on you🙎‍♂️ i understand🫶😔 it is extremely😬 aggravating.🤬👎