Well I looked through your post history, and there’s only one other post, and it implies strongly that you may be a feminist of some sort. So I mean for 1 thing prob nobody will care if you do it cuz everyone hates feminists (cuz they are metaphysically evil) and 2) it’s probably your dim and irrational view of the world that is driving to all of your misery.
You should understand that “feminism” is literally just a sociopathic ruse played upon you to get you to hate yourself, hate everyone around you, and to get everyone around you to hate you. You’ve been had and obviously you weren’t smart enough or decent enough as a human soul to see through this ruse. But because of this, it is also true that you yourself still hold blame and accountability for willingly allowing this feminist cancer to overcome you.
My advice would be to repent of the feminism and beg for forgiveness from yourself and everyone around you. Sounds harsh but it really is the only way, IMO, that you can overcome these issues you are feeling.
I dunno if my post is gonna get me banned for being “abusive” but I believe that my words are truly the only thing that have the potential to create a positive future from you. You must reject the evils of feminism and all political leftism as step 1.