The truth might be a bit weird to hear but I have to get it off my chest.

Gods…I am in love with Brigitte Lindholm. Torbjorn please leave the room, you don’t wanna hear what I have to say next

Personally to me, Brigitte is the most beautiful girl in the entire game. She has a million dollar smile that you can feel how proud she is of herself when you see it, and bright, clear honest eyes that radiate warmth and friendliness. It’s too bad all of her skins are mostly bulky armor. I really wanna see the girl inside the armor, who’s underneath

She’s pretty muscular and fit compared to the average female in the game. Even just looking at her appearance in Honor and Glory, she looks like she could beat you in arm wrestling (she has the spray so we know she is prone to this behavior)

I love the other side to her persona too. She’s a grease monkey! I’d imagine if she’s not sitting on her couch in yoga pants and an oversized hoodie eating snacks (she has a thing for eating a lot, look at her multiple sprays that all show her pigging out) and watching tv/her cat then she’s probably in overalls, covered in grease stains, with a wrench in her mouth and tools scattered all around her.

I think what makes Brigitte’s aura and demeanor so attractive is she’s happy-go-lucky but not as obnoxious about it. She’s like Lena’s bubblyness, but more refined. She’s like Mei’s sweetness, but more regal and less naive. She exudes confidence, I have never seen or heard her second guess herself.

When she takes charge of a brawl and yells out “RALLY TO ME” and starts running towards the enemy and leading the charge, you can’t help but get inspired and want to run with her side by side

I did not post this as a meme copycat post. I truly love Briggy more than any other hero in the game (or any other hero shooter, and I’ve played a lot of them). I just saw the recent posts and thought it was a good of time as any. Brig is not the most liked person around here, but I am not talking at all about her gameplay kit, I’m speaking about her as a character in the OW universe.

PS you have no idea how cute I feel when I play her with Hangzou spark away skin with no golden weapon. Brig in nothing but pure white and pink colors? PRECIOUS.

Thanks for reading