Ok, your comment brought me back to a thought I had earlier today about evolution / natural selection.

Sometime recently on reddit, there was a thread somewhere about farting and someone pointed out that your anus or lower intestinal tract, i can’t remember exactly, can sense if a fart is going to be a fart or if you’re about to expel some literal shit. And it kind of clamps your anus if it’s not going to be a fart so you don’t accidentally shart.

And so i’m thinking – what the hell happened to make that evolve? I mean I guess it makes sense? i mean, who wants a mate who accidentally sharts cus they cannot tell the difference?

but back to the you have to trigger the natural selection before you have babies…

so, way back when (and now one wonders if this anus clamping is just for humans, or for primates or for all mammals, too? do fish anuses clamp so they don’t shart? do fish even fart?) somewhere in the ancestral tree, yet-to-mate adolescents who could not control their sharts were getting noticed by potential mates who just noped out of there?

and simply for sharting, you got cut out the picture?

i mean assuming this happened waaaay long ago, what even prompted the body to develop the nerves to note: “Whoa! that’s going to be a shart, better clamp that anus, pronto!!”

anyone? i feel this is relevant here.