Me (14M) and my parents and sister are sitting at a bar on holiday in Croatia when an American family walk past and the dad is evidently angry and shouting about how he can’t believe his daughter is on OF. My nosy mother (44F) then asks what OF is. I proceed to tell her about how people can charge for exclusive content, but it’s mainly used for paid porn and nudes. I did not realise what a terrible effect that would have. She then said how she thinks “it could be a good thing for some extra money” to start uploading her own nudes onto the site. I have tried explaining what a devastating effect it would have on my life if someone I know were to find it (it would completely destroy my entire life).

TL;DR I told my mum what OF is and no she wants to start posting nudes on it not realising it could destroy my life

Edit: she hasn’t actually started it yet