I liked that comment so much that I decided to answer “THIS.”, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. I said that because there were other comments which gathered many more upvotes, and I simply wanted to express in one word that the comment I answered deserved more attention than it had already.

I made that comment some hours ago. I recently opened my notifications, and not only do I find out my comment gathered downvotes (because some people aren’t content satisfied with noticing that a certain comment already is downvoted), but on top of that some guy replied to what I said in a very condescending manner:

>You see those little arrows? They were put in place to stop dumbass comments such as “THIS.” So instead of saying that, just press the arrow that points up, it will turn orange to indicate that you agree with the sentiment.

Is this behavior really necessary?

Lovely comments such as that one, are one of the main reasons why I have mixed feelings towards this site: dicks like him who prioritize their own arrogance and their own ego over acknowledging that they’re actually speaking to another human being instead of simply replying to a bunch of words. He could’ve chosen to ignore my comment, but he didn’t. He could’ve chosen to point that detail put out nicely, but he didn’t. On top of all the downvotes.

Is it really so necessary to use that kind of language for something this inconsequential? Is it THAT hard to ignore a comment you don’t like or agree with THAT DOESN’T DO ANYONE HARM? It amazes me how uptight people can get around here, when your comment isn’t pretentious or intellectually elaborate enough. It’s ridiculous.

While I agree with him in that people should try commenting something productive and relevant, I don’t like that people are hyperactive to find the first instance of something which seems out of step as an excuse to be mean or hurtful.

We’re talking about the kind of community that fiercely attacks a comment such as mine for coming from a “dumbass”, but on the other hand has no problems joining into the bandwagon of stolid pointless karma that takes place below a well-voted comment; I mean, multiple comments that only consist of puns, boring references or whatever that people clearly come up with just to opportunistically gather karma however possible.