Just bought the Space Jam OST for $60+ if that’s not a flex then I don’t know what is. Most of you peasants can’t even buy this masterpiece of an album. And yes I know, I’m cool you don’t have to keep saying it tho. And for the people who are jealous, stop it get some help, or, buy it yourself (unless you bought a dumb NFT) otherwise you can. If you wanna hate then go fuck yourselves, because this is the most rare thing I have. (Also don’t pretend your not jealous because I know all of you are) Also if you think this album sucks, then I will personally send Michael Jordan to your house to find and kill you. So stop, before things get worst, for instance, I might leak your IP, or swat you, if you think I’m joking try me, I will kidnap you and take you to my basement, and I will kill you for Insulting the name and image of Bugs Bunny, and for that matter Big chungus. I’m so tired for the hate I get for being THIS cool. If you try to kill me because of this, I will Assault you (maybe with a deadly Weapon) also if your white the Torture will be worse. The torture may include, playing the Space Jame theme backwards, Making you play crazy castle, forcing you to eat Bug’s shit, who knows? All I know is I bought the Space Jam OST for $60+ Thank you for your time.