He’s literally the Danzo of this game. Go to hell. I mean think about it, when Spidey refuses to help others, Uncle Ben dies, when He helps others, Aunt May dies, why is it that Spider-Man has to deal with this and no matter what he does, people around him who are pure noble people and better than the average joe suffer. Spider-Man’s depressing Schtick and Motto about life is that even if your life is the worst and society is mean and doesn’t give a shit about you at all to do the right thing. That is so true and depressing just look at his origin. People didn’t care at all about Peter Parker and no wonder he let the thug go, And LIFE and NATURE (which I consider to be evil existential and conscious forces) punish him for letting out his frustration and anger on the world rather than boiling it within him and destroying him. The world and society force him to take responsibility while everyone else and the worst of the worst(Norman Osborn) get away with their irresponsibility and prosper in their lives. Think about it, why is it so true and relates to our world. Why do we have to go through Life like this likes it’s an inescapable and psychologically/internally and insufferable eternal hell. The answer would be that their are pure and absolute evil, sadistic, and conscious forces who fuck up the lives of good people who deserve better for their sadistic pleasure and entertainment and control, screw with and manipulate our lives, events around us, our thoughts, emotions, and actions to make us suffer for no reason. Spider-Man is proof we live in the Matrix and that live is an insufferable and inescapable hell that is being controlled by evil forces outside the universe that are secretly , unknowingly, and psychologically tormenting and torture us for no reason and do it in really well and hidden ways and affect the external factors around us that makes us repeat our wrong habits and the unnecessarily bad things that repeatedly happen in our lives that are not in our control or responsibility and speed up time so uncomfortably fast to make us miss the moment and feel forever trapped and miserable. Explain me this quote “You know what kind of plan never fails? No plan. No plan at all. You know why? Because life cannot be planned”. Why else would our plans fail? Because life gets in the way and it’s those specific and sadistic evil conscious forces that ruin our plans. Here are proofs, why don’t you give some of them a watch/read first and then tell me I’m wrong:
















Spider-Man was an idiot for saving Norman Osborn, Norman Osborn is literally the Danzo of this game