The FBI distributes viruses and keyloggers that mainstream antiviruses are legally not allowed to detect (Magic Lantern, CIPAV, DCS1000, and Network Investigative Technique). The NSA was allowed to surveille on anyone without a warrant for a decade. The CIA is legally allowed to torture Persons of Interest outside of U.S. territory “Enhanced interrogation techniques”. The NSA has forced Intel to backdoor their CPUs and allow them to see files in hard drives “Intel Inside” or “Intel Me”. The NSA also forced all mainstream CPU providers to backdoor their random number generators to allow authorities to break encryption “AMD PSP”. Major motherboards transmit radio frequencies which allow the FBI and NSA to see what’s in your computer even if it’s not connected to the internet. The FBI is overrepresented by Mormons and Freemasons. The FBI also has bugged Persons of Interests’ USB drives and computers when ordered through Amazon or Ebay. The FBI has used high altitude drones that cannot be seen with the naked eye to spy on Persons of Interest. The FBI has used female agents disguised as whores to seduce suspects or harass them. FEMA has built camps to contain 6 million Americans when a National Emergency is declared by the President, Executive order [\#10186]( Executive order [\#12127]( (REX 84). The UN was built on land donated by John D. Rockefeller. David Rockefeller described the United Nations as “The Supernational Sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers.” Executive Order 10990 allows the government to take control over all modes of transportation, highways, and seaports when a National Emergency is declared. Executive Order [\#10995]( Seizure of all communications media in the United States. Executive order [\#10997]( Seizure of all electric power fuels and minerals, public and private. The NSA use electronic harassment to control throughts, physical senations and emotions of suspects.