[the following was sent to me by a friend during a discussion about candy]

No no no! Can’t you see candy is just a tool to keep us divided and fight for comfort in the lower classes? We must burn it to show the spoiled borguise pigs that we will not merely roll over for some candy like trained, obedient dogs! We will burn it in a glorious fire, one to strike fear in the hearts of the pampered but also to inspire a movement. A movement stronger than any other movement witnessed before. A movement that will not stop. A movement that can’t be stopped. A movement that shows no mercy. A movement that begins a revolution unlike the failed coups and pathetic attempts at change. I’m talking about absolute, uncompromising victory with no room left for the opposition. What do you say comrades, will you join me or become road kill in the path of revolution. The choice should be clear. I shall lead a glorious upheaval of the bourgeois scum and crush them under the weight of my iron boot as I smash the skulls of my enemies on my way to lead the proliteriet