Teacher: You will pass only if you get a score higher than 70 Me: Scores 7000 points in Pacman Teacher: Wait, that’s illegal! Me: It ain’t much, but it’s honest work Teacher: Outstanding move! Me: This is big brain time Teacher: Now it’s time to do your homework Me: But my dog ate it Teacher: Don’t be silly, your honework is online, dumbass! Me: Feeds laptop to a stray dog Teacher. Outstanding move! Me: Ah, another man of culture I see… Teacher: Here you go, you deserved this! hands over gold award Me: Thanks for the gold kind teacher! super mario power up sound effect plays Teacher: Ok now, time to read some books. Me: Wait, I have a question: how’s your marriage going so far? Teacher: bad Me: So you’re saying that books are good and wives are bad? If so please repeat your statement. Teacher: Book good wife bad Me: Muahahaha. You have triggered my trap card! pulls out uno reverse card Teacher: I don’t like where this is going… Me: OK BOOMER! Teacher: N00000000000… Me: Bruh moment \[Teacher morphs into big chungus\] Chungus: Congratulations, young one. You have earned my respects. \[Presses F to pay respects\] Now, you have earned the best award of them all! \[Hands over platinum award\] Me: \[everybody liked that\] Wow, thanks Big Chungus! Thanks to you I now have internet points! Chungus: Also, here’s another reward. \[hands over 69 years of Reddit Premium\] Me: Thanks kind chungus! Now I can use Reddit ad -free! (Also, \*N I C E\*) Chungus: Ok young one, go on without me. May all your posts get millions of karma and all dead memes live on within the society we live in. Remember young one, it isn’t success that matters in life, it’s memes and reddit gold. So go on! Go on and become the greatest meme hero of all time! Me: Thanks for the advice Big Chungus! I promise to r/w0000sh all the normies on sight and post lots of stale memes. Chungus: It’s great that you understand. Anyway, adventure awaits me. CHANGE DA WORLD, MY FINAL MESSAGE, GOODBYE Big Chungus ascends to a different dimension Me: Ok, now the time has come. It is now the time for me to prove everyone wrong. I was born to be a legend. And nobody can stop me now. With my reddit premium subscription nobody can stop me! I am the reddit warrior. I am the reddit warrior. Yes, you heard that right, filthy peasant normies! I AM THE REDDIT WARRIOR AND NOW, I WILL SAVE US ALL FROM THE OTHER FILTHY SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS!\*DEATH TO FACEBOOK, DEATH TO INSTAGRAM, DEATH TO YOUTUBE, AND DEATH TO 4CHAN, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, DEATH TO ALL NORMIES. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA BRO, YOU JUST POSTED CRINGE! YOU ARE GOING TO LOOSE SUBSCRIBER! \[Shoots out massive laser toward the headquarters of the other social networks\] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA \[All other social media networks are now gone. The only one left is now reddit\] Nobody: Not a single soul: Not even ugandan knuckles: Me: \[gazes above\] Soul of Big Chungus: Well done, young one. Now you have become a true hero. Because that’s what heroes do. And now, you have joined the council of the GREATEST MEMES OF ALL TIME, along with myself, Keanu Reeves, Doge, Ugandan Knuckles, Woah, Beanos, Lego yoda, Doge, Shrek, We are number one, and our leader, THE OMNISCIENT GLOBGLOGABGALAB! Welcome to the council, young one. Now, the council is complete, just like the infinity stones. Adventure awaits, my allies. IT IS TIME TO ERADICATE ALL NORMIES! !