XDXDXD take my damn updoot!!! VERY FUNNY JOKE I MAKE XDXD WHOLESOME 100 Keanu chungus cyberpunk moment (Only Reddit will get this) am I right my fellow redditors? XDXDXD

Edit: Wowza. I guess reddit didn’t like that comment. Perhaps reddit does not understand the concept of irony. Anyways, I made this genuinely satirical comment to mock my fellow redditor’s tendencies of frequently repeating comments such as “take my damn upvote“ or “ wholesome 100” aka r/angryupvote. However, this message has appeared to fly over many peoples heads. For that, I will be posting everyone who has downdooted my comment in r/woooosh. I ask that anyone about to downvote my comment take this into consideration before finalizing their downvote.