Emoji bad fortnite bad bad wholesome 100 keanu reaves breathtaking take my upvote good sir. EDIT tiktok = cringe Minecraft good give up tote. Much appreciate, very destruction 69 pop nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice Nice nice, oof level MAX. Who gilded this shit? Thanks, Obama, evil Cheeto man fuck the CCP. okay, r/okbuddyretard, buddy don’t be a retard but pickle


dicks out for Harmabe, bob ross angel, facebook man lizard and I am once again asking for your big tiddy goth gf’s. Does anybody else here think that mods are homophobic and gay? methinks the 4 horsemen of the apocralypse is me, an introvert: dies haha jk, unless? You son of a Karen, I’m in oh fuck put it back in 😳 yes, I too, like to have the sex and 420 blaze it. Wtf did I just read, lmao r/cursedcomments FUCK YOU r/fuckcursedcomments

Mom said it’s my turn to repost this have my arms broken ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), this sub has gone to shit this user has been deleted and banned shadowrealm joined the chat, Witcher 3 good now sexy cosplay… sigh unzips not my proudest fap.

-Are we gonna talk about what just happened or are we going to ignore this? 2 upvotes

-yes 1337 upvotes


Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!