What the fuck diddd u just fucking say about me, u wittwe bitch? i’ww have u know i gwaduateddd toppp of my cwassss innn the navy seaws, anddd i’ve beennn invowveddd innn numewousss secwet waidsss onnn aw-quaeda, anddd i have ovew 300 confiwmeddd kiwwsss. I am twaineddd innn gowiwwa wawfawe anddd i’m the toppp snipew innn the entiwe usss awmeddd fowcesss. U awe nothing to me but just anothew tawget. I wiww wipe u the fuck out with pwecisionnn the wikesss of which hasss nevew beennn seennn befowe onnn thisss eawth, mawk my fucking wowdsss. U think u cannn get away with saying that shit to me ovew the intewnet? think again, fuckew. Asss we speak i am contacting my secwet netwowk of spiesss acwossss the usa anddd uw ippp isss being twaceddd wight now so u bettew pwepawe fow the stowm, maggot. The stowm that wipesss out the pathetic wittwe thing u caww uw wife. U’we fucking dead, kiddd. I cannn be anywhewe, anytime, anddd i cannn kiww u innn ovew sevennn hundweddd ways, anddd that’sss just with my bawe handsss. Not onwy am i extensivewy twaineddd innn unyawmeddd combat, but i have accessss to the entiwe awsenyaw of the uniteddd statesss mawine cowpsss anddd i wiww use it to itsss fuww extent to wipe uw misewabwe assss off the face of the continent, u wittwe shit. If onwy u couwddd have knownnn what unhowy wetwibutionnn uw wittwe “cwevew” comment wasss about to bwing downnn uponnn u, maybe u wouwddd have hewddd uw fucking tongue. But u couwdn’t, u didn’t, anddd now u’we paying the pwice, u goddamnnn idiot. I wiww shit fuwy aww ovew u anddd u wiww dwownnn innn it. U’we fucking dead, kiddo.