/confess Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Kevin Nguyen is literally perfect. He’s got the looks, the style, the confidence, and he’s such a great listener. I mean, he’s the whole package. But the thing is, his name is the same as my ex’s and it’s driving me crazy. Every time I hear his name, I can’t help but think of my ex and all the baggage that comes with it. But I know I shouldn’t judge him based on his name, right? It’s not like he chose it. Ugh, why does life have to be so complicated? I just want to enjoy my life and not be weighed down by all this drama. But maybe I should give Kevin a chance. I mean, he’s nothing like my ex and he makes me feel so alive when we’re together, especially when we’re at raves juuling and dancing all night. I just need to get over this stupid name thing and focus on what’s really important: our connection.