Haha, you think you’re special because you aren’t interested in me? No one is interested in me, even my own mother. I’m not even interested in myself. People have been categorically not interested in me my entire life, but somehow, you think you are special enough that telling me you aren’t interested, out of the blue, will have some impact on my life. Well let me tell YOU! You aren’t special. In the wash of people telling me that I am uninteresting, making me feel like I am worthless, like I am ugly, like I am a piece of trash who belongs floating in the river like a discarded Chik-fil-a honey butter chicken biscuit wrapper – in the flood of people telling me I will never amount to anything, YOU are insignificant. You think you’re so smart, that you’re telling me something I didn’t already know. Ha! There are 7.7 billion people in this world and every single one of them is not interested in me. You’re just another one of the 7.7 billion. You aren’t anything new or interesting to me.