The year was 1998. I got Pokémon blue for the Gameboy. It was a magical experience, with deep characters, fun gameplay, and peak Pokémon designs. My team was Charizard, Poliwrath,Pideot, Nidoking, Machamp, and Electabuzz. I was ok with gen 2-3 and then I got interested in gen 4, but gen 5 killed the renewed interest.

Gen 6 gave me hope until they revealed the……

Fairy type. At first, I thought it was a fake leak. But when they officially revealed the type and it’s strengths, it broke me. This devastated me on a personal level.
The dragon type and the Fighting type, my two favourite types had been ruined.
A pink puffball can kill a powerful feral beast
in a few seconds? What sense does that make?!

And then they retcon some older Pokémon to being faires. Like WHY gayfreak??!!
Why can’t Pokémon be pink and cute without people assuming it’s Fairy???!!!!!

Right now you may be asking, WTF is your problem?
And I say, the fairy type is an allegory for political agendas!!!

Think about it, Dragon and fighting were the cool types back then. All the coolest Pokémon had them. But fairy has taken the place of dragon as the strongest type.

You see the connection here?

Something cool and manly overtaken by something feminine? This is clearly a attempt of feminism in Pokéman!!


I really am pissed off with this.

There was NO feminine Pokémon before fairy.
This has ruined Pokémon for me.
Fairy type? More like Mary Sue type!
Fuck Fairy sues!!!😡😡😡😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Back then, Pokémon used to be Japanese and for adolescent boys. Now it’s for Women and toddlers.
Appealing to women ruined Pokémon.

End of story.