For everything there is an explanation. There is always some mathematical equation, some scientific law, some psychological reasoning to explain why things are the way they are. Except, of course, one thing: females. Female humans, to be precise, but females nonetheless.

The only thing that *can* be concluded about them is that their brains are smaller than that of men. This is a fact – one of which cannot be argued. Thus, their mental capacity can be considered inferior to that of humans containing a Y chromosome, making them inherently less applicable to society. But, we must return to the main idea previously established: There is no way to explain the thoughts and actions of women.

This first example comes from a cultural identity of hispanic women. In my AP Spanish Language and Culture class, my teacher explained that in latino culture, women typically wait for the men to pursue them, and thus “play hard to get.” This so-called “tactic” is entirely useless. How on earth is a guy, A: supposed to understand that you’re not plainly ignoring him, and B: take the hint that you may actually like him. Obviously, hispanic women have autism, and are completely ignorant in the realm of relationships. But, hispanic women aren’t the only ones with major issues.

I’m pretty sure almost every guy has gotten “mixed signals” from a girl before. From receiving unclear Snapchats, confusing glances in school or in the workplace, or somehow making a girl upset with them, this sort of confusing behavior has been experienced firsthand by each and every human male. It would just be TOO easy if a girl was to simply say what she was thinking, but no – they feel the need to drop microscopic hints regarding their feelings all around the carpet hoping that some guy will happen to find them all and pick them up in the correct order. This sort of behavior (in terms of not being capable of utilizing social skills to properly relay emotions) is very frequent in autistic people. Therefore, women are comparable to that of autistic people, with one major difference: autistic people are actually very accomplished. Charles Darwin, the father of Natural Selection himself, had autism. The great filmmaker Tim Burton has autism. Women, on the other hand, are not accomplished whatsoever. It literally fucking took them until 1920 to convince the government that they “had a purpose” through passing the 19th amendment.

Don’t hate on me – I’m just spitting facts.

In conclusion, girls are fucking retards and they should be exterminated.