Kids I’m walking breathing livin’ proof that Mary Jane is a “Gateway Drug” I tried weed when I was 10 when my daddy used to beat the shit out outta me and one time I snuck out of the house after crying for several hours straight and went to my friends house to cry on his shoulder and get emotional help from him anyways he said you know what will cheer you up he said I replied and asked him what?, he told me that his “dad always laughs a lot after smoking this giant cigarette thing he lights up every fourth of July” and then he said it’s right there so he grabbed it out of the cupboard and this thing was bigger than my uncle’s penis and I mean at least 12in long and 3 inches wide it said it was a bamboo rolling paper from a cheech and Chong album anyways so he got the lighter and lit it up he told me to inhale and then it all started from there and I started to get into fights at school, swearing, jacking off in the girls restroom as I could hear the girl in the stall next to me pee i could imagine myself on her, anyways i got expelled forever (literally) for raping a girl in my school and then I went to juvenile detention and served a sentence pleading guilty and convicted to one count of 1st degree aggravated sexual assault and served my time for 10 years I got out and then I started using heroin and then meth and then lsd and then promethazine with codeine w/Spriteand then I went in and out of rehab and eventually on my 37th rehab visit i finally decided to go back to high school and get my GED and then i started working as mechanic at jiffy lube and auto zone then now i work at my local Walmart as a general manager making 50k a year living life good with my Subaru sports car and a big house (1 bed 1 bath, 1 kitchen 5000sqft) it’s nice and comfortable for me and my savings account has 32 thousand and now I’m going to retire and I’m 65 years old I’m still young at heart, after living my teens in maximum security prison for 10 years i feel i havent been the same and my friend is now living in Hollywood with a 1 million dollar house a swimming pool and a 4k tv i dont have these things but at least i have my life..