my favourite birth control is vasectomy. many men just shouldn’t reproduce at all for me, sex yes, condoms not really, abortion no, hormonal shit not necessarily, cancer triggered by hormonal shit no, hormonal obesity no, children no, period yes.thank u guys!!i’ve always been pissed off that it’s women who have to pump ourselves with hormones, have some implants and other crap inserted in us and then even pay for it. hormonal pills not only made me balloon every time i tried them (for years, various brands), but also got me severely depressed every time after 6 months of using them. and then i developed a drug habit which would interfere with my hormonal balance, too, to the point that it almost completely made my period pains go away.and that is why i haven’t touched a pill for more than 5 years and not ever planning to, nor anything glad my partner is on the same page about not wanting to have kids. and bc he is dead sure about it (i’m now, too, but i still feel i’m too young to be really sure what i want for the rest of my life), he’s getting it done after the pandemic!