Finally, one I can answer! I literally have never been able to answer any askreddit question in my entire life, and have never posted anything on reddit until this exact moment that is happening right now.

Writing this on mobile, sorry for bad formatting, also english is my 6th language so there might be one wrong word, TLDR at the bottom. Obligatory not a teacher, but my sister’s friend’s stepbrother’s boss’s daughter’s friend’s mom’s cousin’s dog’s breeder’s brother’s coworker’s father’s youtube channel had a comment where some guy talked about a post he saw on tumblr that referenced an instagram post from this one girl who posted on reddit and had a comment where there was this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy’s cousin who was friends with a girl who’s mom was a teacher. Anyways she said that a student one time turned in a meme instead of an essay. Haha!

TL;DR – A student one time turned in a meme instead of an essay. Haha!

Edit: Wow, thank you so much for the upvotes! I’ve never gotten more than 10 before!

Edit 2: WOW! I hit 100 upvotes, thank you guys!

Edit 3: HOLY CRAP! I literally cannot believe this, I got a SILVER AWARD! I would like to personally thank whoever gave me that award!

Edit 4: OMG!!!!! GOLD! Thank you SO SO SO SO Much for the gold, I am literally shaking and crying right now

Edit 5: HOLY MOLY GUACAMOLE I GOT PLATINUM! I cannot thank you enough, this is amazing! I literally am crying of joy right now, I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that someone used their specific amount of currency to purchase an award that was specifically given to me so that my post is shown to have said award!

Edit 6: Speling