I don’t trust google bro… do you seriously think everything on google is the truth? Google manipulates information they give as a form of mind control bro. Think about it bro. The government knows pitbull could easily overthrow them single handedly if he wanted to. They’re trying to erase him from our history. Did you know that pitbull was the one who killed bin laden? Or that during 9/11 he climbed the outside of twin towers to save people? There’s pictures of him out there with 11 helpless people on his back climbing down the twin towers. But I bet you didn’t learn about that in history class now did you. Because they don’t want you to know the hero that he REALLY is. Bro he’s out there fighting isis RIGHT NOW…. by HIMSELF. He said in an interview once (now deleted by Obama) that he doesn’t even carry a gun. He just beats them with his bare fists. He wins every time bro. I know because he cuts off their dicks and keeps them. The music he makes is just a hobby bro. But the government makes it so that’s all he’s known for. Did you know trump tried to kiss him? He’s such an American hero mike pence sucked on pitbulls toes because legend has it that he sweats anti gay fluids. He’s cured thousands of homosexuality. But google won’t well you that. But you’ll all see. When you get to heaven youll see. God is pitbull.