Literally nobody:

Not a single soul:

Minecraft 2 gets released:

Me and the bois: surprised Pikachu face

Keanu Reeves: “You’re breathtaking!”

Big Chungus: laughs in wholesome

Elon Musk: “Stonks!”

PewDiePie: “Hold my beer!”

Baby Yoda: “It’s free real estate.”

Redditors: “It’s thicc brain time!”

Mr. Incredible: becomes canny

The Rock: “Outstanding move!”

Cringe Insta normies: “mInEcRaFt SuCcS!”

The anti-vaxxer kid in the back of the class: “tHaT wAsN’t VeRy BrEaThTaKiNg Of YoU!” Fortnite dances

Girls: “oMfG, bIlLiE eIlIsH aNd jUsTiN bIeBeR aRe LiKe, WaY bEtTeR tHaN mInEcRaFt!”

Boomers: “bAcK iN mY dAy…”

Minecraft Steve: “Shut up stinky bullies!” punches the anti-vaxxer kid, the boomers, the girls and the cringe Insta normies

Shaggy at 0.42069% of his power: “Because that’s what heroes do!”

Mr Beast: “Modern problems require modern solutions.”

Shrek: “Carefully, he’s a hero.”

Super Idol: “You sir, have just won the internet.”

the Soviet national anthem plays

everybody liked that

Wholesome 100

Speech 100

Destruction 100

Dank 100

Reddit 100

Made by Reddit. Not for Instagram normies.

Edit: Thanks for the Wholesome, kind stranger. :snoo_troll:

Second edit: Thanks for the Gold, kind stranger. :snoo_troll: