Hello Reddit, this is my first post on here so I’m sorry for word or format is bad. Anyway, straight to the point, I like playing hentai games, and recently I’ve been trying to find this one hentai game. The game in question I saw on youtube back when the site was in its wild west state, so around 2000’s. It was a playthrough by some guy, who I can’t remember, and the game got my attention.

From what I can remember the game follows you and your group of friends going into the woods to have a vacation in a cabin. You play as a guy and I’m pretty sure you have a girlfriend, who is also on the trip because I faintly recall you can peek on her at the beginning of the game. From what else I can remember the game starts with you and your friends getting out of the car talking about the cabin and making a joke about something bad going to happen before you could go exploring. After the intro, mysterious things start happening in the cabin and you have to solve puzzles to unlock the mystery of what’s happening.

I remember it actually had a story and at first, I didn’t think it was a hentai game until you could peek on your girlfriend. I forget most of the game but I think you could make choices in this game and they matter, affecting the story similar to telltale games.

I’m pretty sure there were multiple endings, one ending I’m certain of is where you summon death and have sex with her, you can change positions during the act. After you’re done she’ll tell you, “Don’t worry your time isn’t anytime soon.” before disappearing and you driving away from the cabin. This one I can be sure since this is the ending the youtuber got. More deatils I can recall is the game is pixelated, the pixels were good and the closest style I can compare it to is Mad Father. I beileve the game had cabin in the title but I can’t be 100% sure on that.

I been looking for this but not because to play forsay, but to know what it was since it been stuck in my head for a long time. People can ask more questions and I’ll try to remember more deatils about the game.

Thanks in advance!