\>at school

\>somewhat familiar female approaches me with arms open for a hug

\>I spread my arms too for a distraction but I know what has to be done

\>at the last moment I pick her up by the waist

\>her face is a mixture of confusion and fear

\>I lift her high over my head

\>she screams and struggles in despair as panic takes her over

\>”WWE Supah Slammmm!!!”

\>I swing my arms back to gain momentum and with my manly might throw her over my head as hard as I can

\>she flies across the room and smashes into a cluster of desks

\>between whimpers and cries I hear the words “what the fuck is wrong with you?”

\>I calmly tip my fedora, turn around and walk into the sunset

\>virginity protected for another day