Here I was. Trapped. I desperately glance around the dark, moist room and the only thing that seems to catch my eyes is a little blue blinking light in the corner. I try to move my body to get up and investigate, but I cannot move. Something is happening to my body, but I don’t know what. As I try to inch my legs apart to attempt to stand up, I burp up some tobacco smoke out of no where. That was a major sign of regret for me, as I’ve never even wanted to do drugs, nor be around people that do drugs. I still can’t remember how I got to this room, but I do know I’m highly intoxicated with a rush of nicotine flowing through my veins. I can feel it pumping through my heart like a bicycle pump. I can feel loads of the THC mangling my brain and stimulating all my senses to a point where all my senses are incredibly inaccurate and all I can taste and smell is tobacco. I never asked for this, I never asked for a water-pipe inhalation to be forced upon myself. As I sit here and feel this floating sensation from the inhalation, I start to have an idea what that blue light could be. I try to focus my eyes harder on the light and my eyes slowly adjust to the darkness, and I can make out the shape of a human standing in the corner of the room. It appears he is holding a billy, and I instantly tense up and I feel a bead of sweat roll down my face. I could hear the drop of sweat hit the floor. I could make out his face more now, he is staring at me with a gigantic grin, and it appears he is putting fragments of a cigarette into a glass bowl. That can only mean 2 different things. He’s either going to make me inhale more tobacco from the water-pipe, or he’s going to make me a grilled-cheese sandwich. At this point I cannot tell what is going to happen because the tasks are so similar that you cannot tell the difference. The blue light is starting to move now and I start to get really confused how it is moving, after being perfectly still for so long. I then realize that the light is actually just cannabis. I’ve never seen cannabis before in my whole life. I didn’t know that it had natural luminescence that gave off a beautiful blue light. Truly amazing, yet terrifying at the same time because I did not want to partake in another inhalation. The nicotine feels like it’s out of my system now, but the cannabis has taken full effect and is consuming me from the inside out. The dark figure in the room appears to be done whatever task he was doing. He starts to take a few steps towards me, and I stay completely still. He creeped up even slower now until he was right in front of me. I can hear his cancer-ridden throat heaving heavily as he leans over me and puts his hands out and the contents he is holding is a water-pipe and a lighter. I don’t know what to do because I am refusing to inhale any more of those terrible substances he has placed in the bowl of the water-pipe. He urges me to grab the contents from his hands but I refuse politely then he makes me grab both items. All he said to me after I grabbed the items was, “shream the rimby.” His voice was like scraping a rock on a cheese-grater, raspy and unsoothing. I ignite the lighter and when I do that, I notice that the bowl in the water-pipe is fully rimmed and I could see the tobacco sticking out the sides of the cannabis, heaping over the rim. I take a gigantic gulp, blow all my air out of my lungs, and go. I’m doing it. I’m going for another inhalation, and I start to shake as the smoke hits my mouth. The bowl is fully cherried, red hot glowing, so I suck as hard as I can, and……
Bam. I did it. I pulled through all of the cannabis and tobacco and pulled out the bowl and took the smoke, instantaneously I started regurgitating on the floor and on the man. He takes one good look at the vomit on his pants, and he looks at me, lifts his fist, and boom.
That’s when I woke up.
I don’t know what was happening. It all felt so real. How could that have been a dream? I felt the effects of cannabis and tobacco for the first time ever and it was in a dream. I roll out of bed and pull my blankets off. Still in disbelief, I drink some water to clear my head. As soon as I attempt to stand up, I cannot move. My heart jumps into my throat. Could it be real? Could it be really happening for real? I open my eyes, and to my horror, I see a tiny blue flashing light in the corner of the room….