I’m 14 and think that anyone who has a “medical exemption” from wearing a mask is stupid because I have asthma (a condition that affects my breathing and overall lung function) and can PERFECTLY handle wearing a mask. Also, if you believe masks “intrude” or “take away” your constitutional rights; what rights? I see no where in the constitution of the United States of America (or any constitution in any country) that “Forcing anyone to wear a face mask is ILLEGAL.” And for the people saying “It’s against my religion”; the majority of y’all saying that it’s against your religion are Christian/Catholic and I see no where in the Bible that “Thall shall not wear thine face mask for it is agains the will of God”. Honestly, once we have administered the vaccine and found a highly effective treatment besides Remdesivir, we need to find a vaccine and treatment for “Stupid Human Syndrome” (SHS). Sorry for going on a mini rant lmao, Happy New Year! 🥳🎉🎊