Now let me tell you about this fucker named Pac-man. This little asshole is a privileged cunt that thinks that he has the right to throw a literal fire hydrant and then Forward Smash it at me. Then, when the motherfucker wants to approach, he doesn’t, he just stays behind his hydrant until he gets a bell or key. After that he just z drops it and uses stupid game physics to do a “big brain play” on me. If that wasn’t enough, you can’t juggle that circular fatass bitch. He’ll simply throw another hydrant above you and then dair hoping for it to connect. Are you telling me you can’t do anything else like… airdodge? What in the father fucking fuck does that Pac-my-ass think he’s doing? He literally pukes his brain out of his big mouth and throws fruits around the stage. After he does whatever Tarzan shit to do 100%, he fucking hits me in the face with his stupid smelly feet with a forward aerial with no endlag. That goddamn Willy Waka Waka nerd motherfucker also has stupid smash attacks. They are fucking HUGE. Don’t even get me started with the offstage stuff. His side b has super armor. Why does he have it? I don’t know, maybe the lack of brain rids him of nervous system and he can’t feel pain? He doesn’t give a fuck about your edgeguards. He can use the side b again if you hit him and goes super far. Even if he doesn’t reach the ledge, he gets THREE jumps, and spikes won’t do anything. After you fail to edgeguard him he’ll ledgetrap you with the fucking hydrant and Forward smash it at you. Then the motherfucker will charge fruits and z drop the bell.