I don’t care if you didn’t mean to offend anyone, you still did. I haven’t watched his last video and suddenly I’m an “impostor?” I have worked countless hours during the subscriber war to earn him subscribers but just because I didn’t see his last video I’m instantly a fake fan? I cried during the brofist part in Congratulations and you probably laughed. I stayed up until like 4 AM to watch him hit 100 million subscribers, but yeah I’m a fake fan since I didn’t see his last upload. I see how it is. You’re nothing but a backstabbing snake, attacking your fellow 9 year olds. I’m honestly disgusted by your behavior. I’m willing to bet that I have actually watched more Pewdiepie videos than you did and I have been watching him for a longer time than you. For all I know you have a little brother that watches Cockmelon and you are doing nothing about it. If I knew someone that watched Cocomelon I would grab a hammer and break their device into a million tiny pieces and then feed it to them so that they will start associating Cockmelon with bad feelings. Actually I’m willing to bet that you aren’t even subscribed to Pewdiepie and you made this post just to divide us. What if YOU are the impostor? What do you have to say about that, huh? We will not play into your little trick, but nice try though. Vote OP out, they’re sus.