Well then get the fuck out of here kid lol… Let’s debate smart things… Also, do you believe in hell? Just curious since its in ur user name… I think you have very low IQ… Not even sure if you know the history if the Wright brothers and the evolution of the first rockets…. Well I do and you just seem like a person that does not understand what I can hence I see you low in the intelligence scale…100% and I would like for you to teach me anything but yet your intelligence is misfire so why should I believe you?

Not trying to be mean at all since I don’t like violence but common! I can spot a dumb ass next to me… You just become a burden to society if you don’t want to learn truth…. I know 100% with out a doubt that you are not very smart. And I can prove it 100% just keep responding back to me lol

So now tell me why chemtrails don’t exist? In English form while you are listening to smart music? Lol let me hear? Lol

Now let’s talk about chemtrails for military reasons? You think the military are not interested in weather manipulation? You are a blind sheep! Lol since this is 100% facts… They drop stuff from airplanes to try to manipulate the weather…. If they find the way to “influence” a tornado, they can use that against the enemy in war… I don’t think you understand that most of the roads and inventions are influenced by war… Not for peace and happiness… Like I already told you about operation big itch: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Big_Itch

They conduct tests on ur average human being with medicine and air spraying… Not sure why you can’t understand these things? And I am not trying to insult you… I just wonder why you are very close minded? Maybe you work for big brother lol?