The Moderators of this sub are fools

The moderators of this sub seem to think that they can be dicks to long-time members of this sub without repercussion. Further, these same mods are using the same passwords on all of their shared accounts (both reddit and offsite like twitter) for over a decade.

Now, a person who could easily gain access to their mod account and mod-mail could very easily fuck.their.shit.up. Removing all mods, publishing every message in mod mail, deleting the sub twitter and more could all be done with a few clicks.

Instead I’ve decided to do nothing but leave this note and urge them to clean up their act and not treat people like shit in their moderation and in mod mail. The way they talk about people in mod mail would seriously turn most members off ever using the sub again.

Happy basketball season to everyone and may the mods who seem to only want the position to be high school bullies rot in Hell.
