Good Morning, I know this will be a long read but I am hopeful you will read and see if we can come up with something together…… “jabbed or unjabbed WE ARE ONE & FREE” Our national anthem states “we are one and free” this is something I think no matter who you are in Australia have felt the hypocrisy of this over the last year and a half, something we need to remind ourselves and something as a nation we need to get back , where this is our truth! I am a mum living in Glenwood NSW I have been lying here tonight unable to sleep ..again. I worry about our nation , our state, our communities, our mothers groups, our friends groups and our schools… I am concerned about segregation and division. I am again wondering what I ( one person) can do and I know a lot of others feel the same. Sam Frost ( actress) has been on my mind the fact that she spoke from the heart sharing her personal views on her own vaccination experience and was judged so harshly when all she was wanting ( as I interpret from her video) was wanting people to feel worthy and not less of a person , wanting people to show kindness , respect and not be judgmental. But also to let people know they are not alone ! There have been lots of different social media groups formed to help people during this time that give people information and make people feel like they are not alone.My sister also obviously felt this from the people around her and so she made a messenger group where all of these people could come together and talk about what was going on without judgment, people of like mind but where you could voice your concerns. It allowed us to not feel alone. There has to be other ways we can have that same feeling ..we are not alone. This has been on my mind as we enter this new phase of starting to open up, people not feeling like they are worthless and alone because of their decisions. I am wondering if we can start some awareness, to help people not feel alone, to feel like they are a part of something. This has been on my mind also as kids go back to school , friends asking them “are you vaccinated ” and feeling that judgement and loneliness when they say no. Something that will allow the vaccinated who choose to acknowledge even though they are vaccinated they do not see the unvaccinated any differently and respect their choice. People who want our nation to be one again and have the freedoms that have been taken away. So my thought was this: what if we have a logo/design made up, something easy for anyone to print… something kids can put on their bag ( even in a tag holder ) , we can put in our cars, shops can put in their store frontage, we can put up on community boards ( yes I know I didn’t think they still existed but apparently they do), we can add to our social media profile. Something that can be identified that’s stirs as a reminder like “jabbed or unjabbed WE ARE ONE & FREE” for example.. that way we can start changing the way people feel , that it’s ok, the choices they have made whether they are vaccinated or not. Remind them they are not alone and our kids as they go back to school might be able to see they are not alone. Also to remind us of who we are; as people and as a nation. Could this lead to more discrimination and our kids being singled out for example maybe .. but my hope is that with using a quote from our national anthem or something of like “ we are one and free” maybe just maybe we could gain some momentum and start people feeling like they are part of something, worth more than society are making them feel at the moment. Something to remind people who we are as a nation, as a state, as a community, within our mothers groups, within our friends groups and for our kids at school. Thank you for your time , please contact me and let me know what you think, happy to do whatever I can to try and get something like this up and running, open to suggestions and changes , whatever needs to be done for people to not feel alone. Regards