Hahaha obviously I’ve kissed a girl. No I just don’t do it around you because I already have a gf. Umm you don’t know her, she lives in the next town. How did I meet her? Uh. So um. OK so I have this cousin who lives there and I go to parties at his place all the time. Yeah I’ve been to loads of parties. Yeah the kids at school do invite me to their parties, I just don’t go because I know they’ll be lame. Yeah so anyway I met her at one of my cousins parties and we made out. OK well obviously not all of my cousins live in Asia then do they? One lives here and conveniently he’s in the next town and you don’t know him either. Honestly dude you just sound obsessed with my life right now, let it go dude. No I’m not showing you my phone. Look I definitely have friends I just don’t want you to break it or anything. OK I need to go now my gf is calling. NO I’M NOT JUST SHAKING MY PHONE IT IS ACTUALLY VIBRATING