We are really seeing a window into a universe where a single nail polish bottle can contain almost 3 liters of a ketchup that is itself more dense than lead. A place where the size, scale, and *mass* of any participating object is itself mutally incompatible with like attributes of all other objects.

Is the hand huge? Is the bottle a *Tardis* like construct? Was the ketchup within distilled from tomato-like plants composed of pure Bismuth? *Does size have any meaning in this hellscape?!* ***HAS MEANING ITSELF CEASED TO HAVE MEANING IN SUCH A PLACE?!***

The madness that encroaches as we try to make sense of such a locale is in a very real way that place intruding into the physical structure of our brains, changing us in ways unforseeable and irrecoverable. I fear that we are all doomed.