She’s producing poop stock, a valuable commodity to the right connoisseur. Of course it’s not for everybody.

Personally, I get a gallon jug of poop stock from my trusted supplier. This provides me with a month’s worth of poop stock for my own use. You can do a lot with poop stock

1. ⁠Use it in your bong for an added taste of lusty feminine essense
2. ⁠Reduce it by simmering in a pot until it’s a fine paste that you can put on crackers or just rub on your teeth/gums. The way it coats my mouth is orgasmic to say the least.
3. ⁠Marinade crusty cum socks in it for 24h and then let it simmer slowly for about 2h. This produces an intoxicating brew. I call it “Pum Juice” (Pum = poop+cum). I will warn that this will truly mess you up, once you taste this magic brew, you will constantly crave it. Sometimes I can’t keep up cum sock production because crusty ones work best, fresh cumsocks just aren’t the same. A few times I’ve resorted to scavenging my room mate’s room for suitable specimen.
4. ⁠Add it to food, like soups and stews. Adds an earthy flavor and is great for thickening up pasta sauce after simmering.
5. ⁠Use it as mouthwash for a similar experience to above, but less concentrated. Because it’s rather expensive, I just set aside approximately 200ml and spit it into a bowl after swishing it in my mouth. Then I swish the same liquid again. This is good for about 15 cycles of swishing before it gets too diluted by your saliva.

PM me if you’re looking to get into this hobby because I’ve been at it for about 4 years now