Okay so let me explain,

About around 2 years ago my Grandma found my hentai manga in one of my drawers, I explained to her what it was and that it was basically porn about drawings.

What I didn’t expect tho, is my Grandma to get addicted to it.

I don’t know how it happened, she must’ve done some kind of researches on her end and she ended up getting hooked on it.

You’re probably wondering how I even found out about that and tbh it’s not a story I personally enjoy explaining but I found out through her search history and one time I walked on her, well, doing “the thing”..

So, I feel kinda bad because in some way I feel like it was directly caused by me and now I need help to help her myself.

That is the only thing she looks at on her Ipad anymore and sometimes she does it even when kids are around, completely shameless.

This is a cry for help

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger