You are ALL useful idiots for your rich, white supremacist “dear leaders”.
You are cut from the same cloth as the fascists, Nazis & communists that killed 120+ million people last century & if you had your way, you’d do it again in this one also because you refuse to learn from history & insist on repeating it no matter how many times it fails!

You are nothing more than a mob of greedy, envious bigots & the 1% of today are the 1% (Jews, Kulaks) that you all murdered 80-90 years ago!
Your totalitarian cult leaders whip you up into a frenzy over inequalities & use you to slander & eventually murder their political rivals & when they come to power, YOU are the first ones up against the wall to be shot once your willful blindness & stupidity ceases to be useful to them. They won’t wait around for you to rise up against them when they can just round you up early on via snitching programs & just be done with the lot of you.

They also don’t give a damn about minorities as they opened the borders for hordes of illegals from socialist countries to flood in to illegally swing the vote in favor of the lawless, socialist leaders here.
Look at how Native Americans & black people are still treated today by the democrats who enslaved & murdered them? They’re trapped on plantations today & are propped up as “victim” classes that they created in the first place!
And now they just farm black people for votes while giving them peanuts for turning on the party that fought & died for their freedom.

As unpalatable as Trump is, he’s far better than anything that you leftists have come up with because there’s no wisdom on the left & you keep pushing narratives instead of truths.

Bernie is just as much of a frog (catches his prey with his tongue) as the rest of the dems & I’ll continue to vote “fuck you!” to ALL socialist representatives!