:UNROLL THE TADPOLE 📷 UNCLOG THE FROG 📷 UNLOAD THE TOAD 📷 UNINHIBIT THE RIBBIT 📷 UNSTICK THE LICK 📷 UNIMPRISON THE AMPHIBIAN 📷 UNMUTE THE NEWT 📷 UNBENCH THE KENCH 📷 PERMIT THE KERMIT 📷 DEFOG THE POLLIWOG 📷 Copypastas are reducing the human experience to generic responses to certain things occurring inside the game. Doesn’t people feel the need to express themselves with some level of originality? O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA TSM, aka “Tribe of Silver Monkeys,” is a team in Riot Games’ Minor League that is often ridiculed for being washed-up and having an owner that looks like Wukong. It is specifically known for its obnoxious fanbase and mind-numbing throws.