The Free Leap Forward The Great Leap Forward The The Great Leap Forward Human Rights Democratization Freedom Freedom Independent Independence Multi-party system Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Formosa Republic of China Republic of China Tibet Tubot Tanggut Tibet Dalai Lama Dalai Lama Falun Dafa Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Nobel Peace Award Nobel Peace Prize Liu Xiaobo Liu Xiaobo Democratic Speech Thought Anti-Communist Counter-Revolutionary Protest Movement Riot Riot Harassment Disruption Anti-riot Rehabilitative Demonstration Demonstration Travel Baggage Hongzhi Falun Dafa Dafa Disciples Forced Destruction Forced Abortion National Purification Human Experiments Elimination Hu Yaobang Zhao Ziyang Wei Jingsheng Wang Dan Regent Zheng Yumin Peaceful Evolution The torrent of China’s Beijing Spring Epoch Times commented on the Communist dictatorship and suppressed the unified surveillance Victims of aggression, plunder destroy torture killings organ harvesting trade in human beings swim into the abduction of smuggling drugs prostitution gambling lottery draw spring Tiananmen Tiananmen Falun Gong Li Hongzhi Winnie the Pooh Liu Xiaobo dynamic network Freegate