anime will defeat the terriblel wite women wil lose the powe over men to stel and humilat wen the brav nihon produc the artifice 2d waifu uturo 2d virtual real waifus

the wite women wil be gather up and they skin with be brush very very hard 2 remov the dirty 3d smell and the 3d woman brain remov the speshul femal cell r squish into a very importnant matrix of femine (pure) to produce very smol very yung luk 2d anime waifu harem 4 ech speshul mummies boy

we r push for a very speshul very nice 2d base reality design speshul by 2d anime desine team of nihon speshul hikki japan scienc r determine 3dpd a harm to masc produc society le neet rebel of nihon r strong rebel 2 creat 2d speshul smol(very young luking) anime waifu for strugleling very speshul boys(girl)(boy?) 2 fix remov the 3d smell, fel, tast etc harmfilll experien of 3d is remov to leav pure clean nice 2d experien

japan will end domination of the wite women wen the creat artificial uterus 2d waifu reality of smol very smol childlike 2d anime waifus in a new 2d based reality design speshul for ned of men that ALL men r intitlel 2 the wite women wil not laf they wil not steel anymore thank u japan ;_;7